MAIL : info @ innogate.net

PHONE : +45 2876 2121

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About personal data

Innogate was established in 2006 by Thomas Winther. Thomas graduated as Master of Economics in 1996. The following 10 years he worked in Copenhagen and Bruxelles for the Danish Government, the European Commission and the Nordic Council of Ministers. As consultant, working out of Copehagen, Accra and Pretoria, Thomas has engaged professionally in diverse socioeconomic contexts. Be it to spur innovation in the circular economy in the Baltic Sea Region, propel the green economy in South Africa, or build trade capacity in high value products in the Ghanian forestry industry.

Clients from well above 20 countries have included innovation hubs, clusters organisations, regional and national development and innovation agencies, national governments, international organisations and donors, and NGOs.

Collaborative efforts to spur innovation, sustainability and competitiveness are often journeys into the unchartered. Innogate approach such efforts with a “can-do will-do” attitude and a strong sense of the situation as well as a high degree of agility to achieve desired individual and common results for companies, consumers and society.

Assignments - with Innogate as lead partner or project partner - have over the years included numerous assessments to identify sustainable business innovation, development and trade opportunities; efforts to spur collaboration in pursue of individual and collective objectives for growth and sustainability; export promotion efforts, business study trips and similar, including business matchmaking. Also, at many occasions Thomas has engaged as moderator and facilitator at international seminars and conferences.

For further details about assignments and references please visit Innogate's areas of expertise: Innnovation, Sustainability and Competitiveness.

Innogate ApS | Lavendelstræde 8 | 1462 Copenhagen K | mail: info @ innogate.net |